Thanks for the write up. You may want to advise of the dodgy street money exchangers who magically keep an extra $50 for themselves when they count the money back to you. Or the local food carts that are also known as Cholera Carts. Also memorable were the people and local police that tax you for entering a tourist location. What a shithole, don’t go there unless you can buy a complete body condom for protection. The sewerage runs in open channels at street level. Awesome for the young ones to play turd sailing while you get scammed at the markets.
Watch out for super aggressive lady boys on poppies 2 and the old ladies at the beach will hassle you and attempt to pluck your ear hairs while you drink half hot binnies while getting sun burned ....Highly recommend the Midget fights too !!!! ..... Been 5 times and bring on number 6 !!! I LOVE BALI !!!!
Thanks for the write up. You may want to advise of the dodgy street money exchangers who magically keep an extra $50 for themselves when they count the money back to you. Or the local food carts that are also known as Cholera Carts. Also memorable were the people and local police that tax you for entering a tourist location. What a shithole, don’t go there unless you can buy a complete body condom for protection. The sewerage runs in open channels at street level. Awesome for the young ones to play turd sailing while you get scammed at the markets.
Thank God some good things never change. I thought they might clean it up during Covid. Looking forward to more of Bali ...
I want to see Hampton park in Victoria on the next list. It is a complete shithole
Watch out for super aggressive lady boys on poppies 2 and the old ladies at the beach will hassle you and attempt to pluck your ear hairs while you drink half hot binnies while getting sun burned ....Highly recommend the Midget fights too !!!! ..... Been 5 times and bring on number 6 !!! I LOVE BALI !!!!
This is amazing. Thanks for improving my shit day! 👏🏻
As we can't travel and return freely over here in West Oz pleeze keep theze coming